Showing posts from March, 2022
Original Article Published: 26 March 2022 Directive clustering contrast-based multi-modality medical image fusion for smart healthcare system Manoj Diwakar , Prabhishek Singh , Achyut Shankar , Soumya Ranjan Nayak , Janmenjoy Nayak , S. Vimal …
A homomorphic non-subsampled contourlet transform based ultrasound image despeckling by novel thresholding function and self-organizing map Authors: Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar, Shilpi Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, Amrendra Tripathi, Achyut Shankar Publ…
Dear Dr. Prabhishek Singh, Thank you very much to you, for being patient and so supportive audience.
Dear Dr. Prabhishek Singh, We would like to acknowledge your contribution as reviewer at Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS). IJEECS, p-ISSN: 2502-4752, e-ISSN: 2502-4760 is the official publication of the Inst…
Dear Dr. Prabhishek Singh, We would like to thank you for your review contributions to IET Image Processing. We depend on the efforts and integrity of our reviewers to examine each submitted manuscript and render an opinion as to its suitability for …
Manuscript Number: BBE-D-21-00627R4 A homomorphic non-subsampled contourlet transform based ultrasound image despeckling by novel thresholding function and self-organizing map Dear Dr. Prabhishek Singh, Thank you for submitting your manuscript t…
Dear Dr. Singh, Thank you very much for your review of manuscript IJSA-D-21-00216, "Sentiment Analysis of Drugs related postsimpacting the society HealthCare". We greatly appreciate your assistance. With kind regards, Journals Editorial Of…