Title Of The Invention: A System
And Method For Securing Key Distribution Through Quantum Communication Protocol
With Cloud And Blockchain Integration, Application No: 202341018874 A,
Date: 31/03/2023, Name Of Inventor: 1)
Voore Subrahmanyam, Archana, Mukul Arora, Gurpreet Kaur, Ravi Kumar Sharma, P B
Padmanabhan, Pawan Bhambu, Prabhishek Singh.
Title Of The Invention: A System And Method Based On Convolutional Neural Network For Evaluating
Electric Vehicle Energy Demand, Application No: 202231046196, Publication
Date: 26/08/2022, Name Of Inventor: Dr.
Umasankar Das, Dr. Ranjan Kishore Mallick, Deepak Kumar Joshi, Anshul Jain,
Basu Dev Shivahare, Dr. Urvashi Sharma, Dr. Arvinda Kushwaha, Prabhishek
3. Title Of The Invention: A Despeckling Framework Of Agricultural Sar Images For Land Monitoring, Application No: 201711035086 A, Publication Date: 24/11/2017, Name Of Inventor: Raj Shree, Prabhishek Singh, Ravi Prakash Pandey.
4. Title Of The Invention: A Speckle Reduction Framework For Spotlight Sar Images Using Fusion, Application No: 201711040558 A, Publication Date: 08/12/2017, Name Of Inventor: Raj Shree, Prabhishek Singh, Ravi Prakash Pandey, Vivek Shukla, Manoj Diwakar.
5. Title Of The Invention: A Despeckling Framework For Ultrasound Images Using Hybrid Approach, Application No: 201711042684 A, Publication Date: 08/12/2017, Name Of Inventor: Manoj Diwakar, Raj Shree, Prabhishek Singh.
1. Title Of The
Invention: Mesh Sort- A Sorting Algorithm Based On Mesh Topology, Date Of Filing: 10/05/2018, Name Of Inventor: 1. Shree, Raj 2.
Bharti, Puneet 3. Singh, Prabhishek 4.
Pandey, Ravi Prakash 5. Shukla, Vivek 6. Srivastava, R.K.