Scopus Indexed Conference Paper Published: Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing, Proceeding of CISC 2021

 A Review on Internet of Things in Healthcare Applications

Authors: Abhinav Kislay, Prabhishek Singh, Achyut Shankar, Soumya Ranjan Nayak & Akash Kumar Bhoi 

Type: Conference paper

First Online: 31 May 2022

Part of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 375)

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT)s this technology gives very much attention within some years for their useful benefits. In the healthcare system, it helps to enhance the service of healthcare caused by increasing population and a rise in diseases this survey represents the researches relating to places of modern system changing in strength, weakness, overall suitability for IoT in healthcare system. In this many challenges must be faced in the healthcare of IOT like security, privacy, wearability, and fewer power operations or presented and which was recommended for future research. Someone says that the internet is changed the life of society or fundamentally this is true “but at the same time, the greatest changes still not disclose between us. Many technologies are now converging in a way that means the internet is on the way of substantial expansion or objects large and small get connected and assume their own identity. When our servers and personal computers get connected to globally and the internet of mobile” and telephone are operated now the next phase was of the internet of things when big or less things are connecting and managing to the virtual world. The smart devices of the IOT can help in executing the different facilities to the remote access of the health monitoring system and help in to make the emergency notification system. IoT has a very much sensible applications that make the healthcare system smarter and appreciable. In the modern healthcare system, the policies and strategies which give support to the researchers and scientists, this IoT and smart devices gives the sudden upgradation to the technologies which are helping them. This paper helps in to making the connection between the IoT technologies to the healthcare system and make the healthcare system more advance. To monitoring the healthcare system more easily and effectively we need a smart devices and smart objects to decrease the inefficiency of available healthcare objects. The healthcare which is based on IoT is become very much enhanced and refurbished from comparing to the whole traditional healthcare and medical system.

Keywords: Service healthcare, Future research, Internet of things, Substantial expansion, Monitoring Smart devices, Smart healthcare.


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