Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of ICIS-2022
e-ISBN: 9788770227667
Price: €0.00
Available: April 2022
Article 24
Realtime Mask and Face Detection Using Tensor Flow, Keras, and OpenCV
by Vaibhav Yadav, Ayush Gupta, Sanjiv Tomar, Dr. Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar and Dr. Kapil Joshi
Article 29
Artificial Intelligence based Improved Accuracy Model for Edge Computing, and IoT
by Sunil Kumar, Aditya Saxena, Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar and Kapil Joshi, Dr. Van Cuong Nguyen
Article 32
Lightweight Dynamic traffic congestion based Authenticated Protection in Computing Services
by Ashish Tiwari, Sarvesh Kumar, Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar and **Kapil Joshi, Thanh-lan Thi Nguyen6
Article 40
Object Recognition and Detection of Submarine Objects Utilizing Neural Network Optimum Techniques
by Rupinder Kaur, Sarvesh Kumar, Prabhishek Singh, Manoj Diwakar, Rajesh Singh, Kapil Joshi, Sunil Kumar